The liturgical practices during Covid-19 pandemic bring into spotlight the ancient Catholic practice of doing a Spiritual Communion in order to obtain graces.
My question is - there is man who is not Christened, who is gay (and in-and-out of the relevant relationships), who tries to bring into order his professional life and career, who has desire for God and for leading life of good man (he attends mass once a week, reads theological literature and journals, says daily prayers, including rosary), but of course, he can not go to the communion because of his private life. The talks with priest is out of question - priest can not do miracles and change the conditions of life. So - the Spiritual Communion is the only way to receive the Eucharist for him. Question is - is he receiving the full effect of Eucharist in the Act of Spiritual Communion? In everyday life and during the Covid-19 pandemic?
P.S. - I am reading the article entitled: Truly Human Sexual Acts: A Response to Patrick Lee and Robert George, from the Jesuit theological journal "Theological Studies" and I feel that the Church if live despite some others who is saying opposite.